Nurturing a Healthier Work Environment: The Impact of Nutrition in the Workplace
We often hear the saying “You are what you eat,” but have you ever considered its implications in the context of your workplace? Our dietary habits not only affect our personal health but also influence our productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction. In an era where employee wellness is gaining well-deserved attention, the significance of nutrition in the workplace deserves to be highlighted.
Nutrition 101: Macronutrients
The Snack People’s Nutrition 101 blog series aims to teach readers about the basics of nutrition. Getting a grasp of certain topics allows you to make smarter food choices to help you perform better at work!
Irish Fruit Farms
While there are approximately 139,600 farms in Ireland*, only a portion of these are dedicated to producing fresh fruit. We want to draw attention to a number of Irish fruit farms who are doing some fantastic work out there!
Wow Fruit Kiwi Berries
The kiwi berry, often referred to as the “mini kiwi,” is a lesser-known but increasingly popular fruit that shares many similarities with its larger cousin, the well-known kiwifruit. Native to parts of Asia, including China, Japan, and Korea, the kiwi berry has gradually made its way into European markets due to its unique taste, nutritional benefits, and convenience.
The Fruit People Meet… Urban Health
Dee and Darren Buckley have a story that’s not dissimilar to ours! Finding their inspiration while travelling around the world, they returned home with a dream, a business idea to get Dublin eating healthier and bucketloads of passion. We sat down with them for a chinwag about eating habits, setting up a business in Dublin and their fantastic juice bar and cafe in Ranelagh, Urban Health.
Lunch Sorted: Dublin’s 10 Best Salad Bars
There’s nothing worse than enduring a post-lunch slump and struggling through the second half of your working day in a sleepy, stuffed, saturated haze. We believe in healthy nutrition with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables to fuel you through the day, and lunch should be filling, fuelling and fast (even better when there’s a little fruit in there too!)
Wow Fruit Nashi Pear
At The Fruit People, we pride ourselves on curating unique and exceptional food experiences for our clients. Each month, we introduce a special fruit to our selection, offering our customers the opportunity to explore new flavours and enjoy the best that nature has to offer.
Which Fruits Are In Season Right Now?
It wasn’t too long ago that the only fruit available in the supermarkets were those that were grown locally and in season. Fast forward to today & you can now go to almost any store to pick up tropical fruits like mangos, avocados, passion fruit, dragon fruit and melons at all times of the year.
No Time To Cook? Quick Snack Ideas For Work
Got no time to cook due to your busy work schedule? That doesn’t mean you should eat junk food...
How Much Food Waste Do Irish Businesses Produce Every Year?
Simply put, food waste is discarded or uneaten food. This can include food thrown away at the consumer level and food lost or discarded at the production, distribution, and r...
Creating Green Workplaces: Top 5 Ideas
Lately, governments have been incentivising organisations to become eco-friendly or go green. Going green shows an organisation is both...